Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A World Full of Senses!!

Greetings Everyone,

I apologize for not posting sooner.  The days just fly by in Pre-K!  This week we focused on naming our 5 senses and talking about what each one does.  We made scratch & sniff books with jell-o!  I'm sure your child will share it with you, as many were very excited about it!  This week we also talked about the letter "Yy" and the sound it makes.  

I continue to test the children on colors, shapes, their first and last names, and their ages, as well as other skills.  I will discuss these results with you at Parent/Teacher Conferences in October.  

Next week we will talk about Fire Safety and the letter "Ff."  We will have special visitors from the fire station on Monday and Tuesday who will talk about the fire truck and about how a firefighter would look if they had to go into a house to rescue people. 

As promised (and I know I'm tremendously late) I am posting pictures.  Please look at the tabs on the top of the page.  One will be labeled Monday/Wednesday Pictures and the other Tuesday/Thursday Pictures.  I try to get a good amount of pictures from both groups, but sometimes I forget.  :(  

Let's hope for sunny weather next week!  :) 

We were able to take a nature walk with our Tuesday/Thursday friends since the weather was cooperative on Thursday!  They loved the walk and used many of their senses while on the trail!  I'm hoping to get out in the path with our Monday/Wednesday friends before the snow flies!! 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Upcoming Events

Hello Everyone,
It's been a very exciting week!  I will be posting pictures, hopefully later this evening.  I just wanted to share some information with you about events that are coming up in the Medford School District that you are more than welcome to take part in. 

On September 29, we have our first early release day.  During this time, Don Everhard will present information on Safety for Staff and Students for Certified Staff, parents, and community members from 4:00 to 5:00.  This presentation will also go over and review Appropriate Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraintas part of this training.

Another exciting event is a sign language course that is being offered to educators and parents.  So far 29 people are registered.  This class is being covered through CLC Community Education and
begins on Monday October 3rd from 3:30 to 5:30 at MAES.  The cost of the registration, course instructor,
and sign language book is all being covered through CLC Community Education.  If you would like to sign up for this course, please contact Joseph Greget or Luanne Olson at the District Office.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Apples, Apples Everywhere!!

Welcome to week three of school!  The children are all adjusting to their new "jobs" nicely!  I'm so proud of all the progress they're making!  This week is a busy, busy week in Pre-K.  We have a lot of fun activities going on that your child will surely love!  Our theme this week is "Apples" and  we will also be starting a letter of the week, which is "Aa."  During class, the letter will be introduced and children will have the opportunity to learn the sound that it makes, as well as practice writing it.  Below are a few different events that will be going on this week as well:

***On Monday and Tuesday, the children will check out their first book during library time.  Please remember that the book your child checks out must be returned before another can be checked out.  Feel free to bring it back after a few days, or send it back on the next library day.  

***Picture days for Pre-K are as follows: 
M/W Group - Pictures will be on Wednesday, Oct. 21st
T/TH Group - Pictures will be on Tuesday, Oct. 20th

***We have a bus evacuation drill for each Pre-K class which will take place on either Monday or Thursday so that it doesn't interfere with pictures.  :)

***We will be making applesauce with a parent volunteer on Wednesday and Thursday.  Please remember to send an apple with your child for the activity.  Just a friendly reminder to try to stay away from Red Delicious apples, as they don't mash/bake nicely.  

Whew, That was a lot of information for only one week!  I hope that your child has many wonderful things to say about his/her school days!  Please remember that the homework  being sent home is optional and not a requirement!  It is however, great to see many children bringing back their homework completed!  Thanks for being great partners in your child's education!

Ms. Brittany

Monday, September 12, 2011

Shapes and Colors Oh My!!

This week in Pre-K we will be learning about many shapes and colors.  We will be doing fun activities like the Shape Hokey Pokey, playing Shape Dash, reading great stories, and continuing to explore our classroom.  We continue to review our classroom and school rules and are doing a FABULOUS job so far!  On Monday and Tuesday we ventured to the library for the first time!  The students attended story time, learned how to care for the books and even saw some "sad books" that had been previously damaged.  Ask your child to tell you all about the library!!!  I will be adding some pictures within the next few days!

Have a fantastic week!!