Hello Pre-K Families,
Pre-K students made applesauce on Monday &Tuesday. |
Thanks for being patient with me as I update our classroom blog each week. It has been challenging to find time to fit it into the school day as we are already very busy in the classroom. The children are doing an excellent job adjusting to the new rules and routines. Things we continue to work on are staying in our seats during work time, listening/not talking when I am giving instructions, cutting, name writing, walking in a line, finding our lockers, etc. There is so much to learn at school. Thankfully their minds are like sponges, and they soak up most of what they are taught. :) I would also like to thank each of you for taking the time to go through your child's folder each night. With them coming only two days a week, sometimes their folders get a little packed with papers. I appreciate your promptness in returning the appropriate items to school!
This week in Pre-K we are talking about apples and are introducing our first letter, which is letter Aa. We will also talk about apples, what we can make out of them and how apples/apple trees grow. Ms. Cheri and some FFA students volunteered their time to make applesauce with us on Monday and Tuesday. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera at home, so I don't have any pictures to post of the event but the children loved straining the apples and tasting the applesauce. Some didn't think they'd like how it tasted, but everyone tried it and most asked for more! It was such a great hands-on experience. Thank you very much for sending in the apples for us to use!
This week is Homecoming week and there are a few dress up days left this week. Wednesday is "wear your favorite sports team clothing" day and Thursday is "rock and roll" day. If your child would like to participate, they are more than welcome to.
**There is an EARLY RELEASE day on September 27th. Pre-K students will be dismissed around 1:52 P.M. If you are picking your child up, please be sure to meet in the cafeteria around 1:45.
**Child Development Days is October 18th, 2012. There will be NO SCHOOL for Pre-K students on that day. If your child is already enrolled in Pre-K, they do not need to come to this screening. Younger siblings are welcome.
** We will be sending your child's towel/blanket and pillow home at the end of each month to be washed. Please wash them over the weekend and return them to school with your child.
**Our first Families Being Involved (FBI) event will be a pumpkin carving activity. It will be held on Oct. 19 in the MAES cafeteria. More information will be coming home in your child's folder in the beginning of October.
**If you have not signed up for a time for Parent/Teacher Conferences and would like to, please contact me as soon as possible. Times are filling up fast! If you do not sign up, a time slot will be assigned to you.