Daily Schedule

Zenner, Brittany2016-17
8:00-8:30Breakfast, Check-In, Bathroom Break, Morning Work, ATTENDANCEBreakfast, Check-In, Bathroom Break, Morning Work, ATTENDANCEBreakfast, Check-In, Bathroom Break, Morning Work, ATTENDANCEBreakfast, Check-In, Bathroom Break, Morning Work, ATTENDANCEPREP DAY - IEP's, ECSC Mtg, Team Planning, Families Being Involved
8:30-8:50Library 8:30-8:50Library 8:30-8:50Computer Lab 8:30-9:00Computer Lab 8:30-9:00
8:50-9:00/9:05Bathroom BreakBathroom BreakBathroom BreakBathroom Break
9:00 - 9:25Circle Time: calendar, weather, jobs, letter/sound of the week, question of the day, storyCircle Time: calendar, weather, jobs, letter/sound of the week, question of the day, storyCircle Time: calendar, weather, jobs, letter/sound of the week, question of the day, storyCircle Time: calendar, weather, jobs, letter/sound of the week, question of the day, story
9:25-10:10Project Time: large group instruction at tables Project Time: large group instruction at tablesProject Time: large group instruction at tablesProject Time: large group instruction at tables
10:10-ish - 10:40Free ChoiceFree ChoiceFree ChoiceFree Choice
10:40 - 10:50Clean up, Bathroom Break, Dress for recessClean up, Bathroom Break, Dress for recessClean up, Bathroom Break, Dress for recessClean up, Bathroom Break, Dress for recess
10:50 - 11:10Recess (cots out)/LunchRecess (cots out)/LunchRecess (cots out)/LunchRecess (cots out)/Lunch
11:10-11:50Undress from Recess/LunchUndress from Recess/LunchUndress from Recess/LunchUndress from Recess/ Lunch
11:50 - 12:00Bathroom BreakBathroom BreakBathroom BreakBathroom Break
12:00 - 1:00Rest Time / Bathroom Break (Includes putting cots away)Rest Time / Bathroom Break (Includes putting cots away)Rest Time / Bathroom Break (Includes putting cots away)Rest Time / Bathroom Break (Includes putting cots away)
1:10-1:45Computer Lab: Reading Eggs or Math SeedsComputer Lab: Reading Eggs or Math SeedsCenter Work with Ms. AmberCenter Work with Ms. Amber------> W/TH: 9-10 minute centers ran by Amber, Brittany and Paula
1:45-2:10Bathroom Break / Snack & SocializationBathroom Break / Snack & SocializationBathroom Break / Snack & SocializationBathroom Break / Snack & Socialization
2:10 - 2:30Free Choice or Activity / Intervention (BZ)Free Choice or Activity / Intervention (BZ)Free Choice or Activity / Intervention (BZ)Free Choice or Activity / Intervention (BZ)
2:30- 2:45Small Circle Time: story, review of day, music & movementSmall Circle Time: story, review of day, music & movementSmall Circle Time: story, review of day, music & movementSmall Circle Time: story, review of day, music & movement
2:45-2:50Pack Up, Dress for RecessPack Up, Dress for RecessPack Up, Dress for RecessPack Up, Dress for Recess
2:50-3:15Outside Play, HomeOutside Play, HomeOutside Play, HomeOutside Play, Home

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