Next week, we will also talk about Mother's Day and make our wonderful moms some special gifts. I wonder what it might BEE?? :)
**Spring is FINALLY here!!! Snow pants and boots are no longer needed for recess. However, spring in Wiscnosin is unpredictable, so please dress your child appropriately for the weather. Some children have been coming to school with rubber, rain boots. These are great if the ground is wet! If the ground is dry, the child is given the option of wearing them or leaving them in his/her locker.
**The third and final fluoride varnish for the students who signed up, will be on Tuesday, April 30th and Wednesday, May 1st.
**Thursday, May 16th, is an Early Release Day. The students will be dismissed at 1:52 P.M.
**The May Families Being Involved workshop is scheduled for Friday, May 17th. More information can be found in your child's folder on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Please note that this is our last FBI for the school year.
Each year we try to keep our planet clean by encouraging families to recycle. Here at MAES we have started our Cans for Kids drive. Please take all of your aluminum cans to Reliable Recycling by May 15th and tell them who your child's teacher is. They will weigh the cans you drop off and add it to each classroom's total. The class with the HIGHEST amount of total weight in aluminum cans will win a party!!
~Farm Field Trip: Wednesday, May 15th and Thursday, May 16th
Please make sure your child wears old clothing and appropriate footwear that day. We will also be outside for the majority of the time. Please dress them for the weather.
~School Forest Field Trip: Wednesday, May 19th and Thursday, May 30th
Please have your child dressed for "the woods." Feel free to spray them with bug spray before they come to school.
~Park Field Trip: Tuesday, June 4th and Wednesday, June 5th
We will be walking to the city park for some end of the year fun! Our cooks will be providing the children with a picnic lunch to enjoy in the park! We will be doing a lot of walking and playing, so please be sure your child wears tennis shoes.
**If you are interested in joining us on any of the field trips, please contact me as soon as possible to ensure that all of the paperwork is taken care of.**
The last day of school for Pre-K is Tuesday, June 4th and Wednesday, June 5th. We will enjoy our field trip to the park, however your child will still need to bring a back pack so we can send home all of their goodies!