Welcome to April and hopefully more spring-like weather! The year is going by so fast!! It is hard to believe in a few short months these kiddos will be heading out my door and onto bigger things! :) We have a busy April, followed by an even busier May!! Be sure to check the Classroom Newsletter to find dates, times and information about upcoming events and field trips. Below you can find info for the month of April!
April 1-3: Easter
*We will be wrapping up our theme of Easter on Wednesday.
April 6-10: Pets
*There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, April 6th due to Easter break.

*Our letter is Xx.
*We will be reviewing number 9.
*Our field trip to the Medford Veterinary Clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, April 8th and Thursday, April 9th. If you need to know specific times for the field trip, please contact me.
April 13-17: Seeds and Flowers & WOTYC
*We will be celebrating The Week of the Young Child (WOTYC). Dress up days are as follows:
--Monday - Sports Day
--Tuesday - PJ Day
--Wednesday - Crazy Hair Day
--Thursday - Beach Day
--Friday - School Colors Day
*On Monday of this week, we will be giving our Pennies for Pets donations to the Taylor County Humane Society.
*We will be learning about Seeds and Flowers.
*Our letter is Uu.
*We will be reviewing number 10.
*On Wednesday and Thursday of this week we will be going to the MAES gym for a special presentation of Hairy and Company.
*Thursday, April 16th is Pre-K registration from 3:30-6:00 PM. This is also the evening of the Beach Party- Pre-K Pot Luck Dinner and Dance. The dinner will be from 5:00-5:30PM and the dance will be from 5:30-6:00PM in the MAES Commons/Cafeteria. If your family hasn't sign up, but would like to please do as ASAP.
April 20-30: Oceans
*Oceans is a two week theme where we will be learning all about the world under the sea. We have completed the letters of the alphabet but will continue to review letters and letter sounds.
*We will be reviewing number 10.
*Ms. Brittany will have a sub on Monday and Tuesday, April 27th and 28th for PALS testing.