Monday, November 28, 2011

The Magic of PlayDoh

Although very messy and not a favorite of parents, playing with PlayDoh is a GREAT way to give your child's hands a work out!  Because of it's consistency, PlayDoh targets fine motor skills as the children work to kneed it, roll it into balls, roll it out to be a snake, and/or press cookie cutters into it.  The ideas and creativity are endless!!!  Below is a sacred PlayDoh recipe from the preschool teacher at UW-River Falls, where I attended college and student taught.

2 cups flour
1 cup salt
2 cups water with food coloring
2 tablespoons oil
2 teaspoons of cream of tartar
Mix all in a large pan (or pot) and stir over low heat until the magic of PlayDoh happens!

Here are some ideas that you can encourage your child to do with PlayDoh:
  • Roll it out to look like a snake and then cut it with scissors
  • Roll it out with a rolling pin and make "cookies" using cooking cutters
  • Create a pretend "meal" using the PlayDoh
  • Make animals with it
  • Create a person's face - don't forget to add all the parts: ears, a nose, hair, eyes, eyebrows, a mouth and teeth!!
The possibilities are endless!  One thing that is certain, is that your child will be building up those little muscles in their hands and fingers, which will help them complete many important tasks!

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