Monday, December 5, 2011

Cookies and Christmas Trees

Hello Pre-K Families,
Hope you are all enjoying the snow!  The children LOVE to play in it while at recess.  They plowed a little hill of snow where Pre-K usually plays, so that is something new and exciting for the children!  This week our theme is "Cookies and Christmas Trees."  We will be focusing on the number 10 as well as the the Letter "Cc."  Please remember that any practice you can provide at home is a tremendous help here at school!  This week we will begin to write the first 3 letters of our names as well.  We continue to review shapes, colors, numbers and the letters we have already learned. 

Within the last week we have started practicing the songs for our Christmas Program!  Most of the children seem to enjoy them, while others think there are just too many songs.  :)  Just a reminder that our programs are Wednesday, December 21 and Thursday, December 22 at 10:00 A.M. in the MAES gymnasium.  There will be refreshments afterwards.  Your child will then have a little something special for you waiting in our classroom.  After that, you are free to take your child or leave (if your child is spending the rest of the day at school.)

Just a reminder that we will be having our gift exchange/Christmas parties the same days as our Christmas Programs.  The parities will be in the morning, therefore your child will not miss out on the fun if you choose to take them home!  Please send the gift exchange gift as soon as possible, but no later than December 19th or 20th.  If this is a financial burden for your family, please talk to me as soon as possible.  Thank you so much for your cooperation and participation!

Have a great week,
Ms. Brittany


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