Monday, February 20, 2012

Time to Rhyme

Greetings Everyone,

This week in pre-k we will begin working on rhyming.  Our theme is Nursery Rhymes and our letter is "Nn."  Please work with your child to find objects around your house that begin with the letter "Nn."  Monday and Tuesday you will find a rhyming chart in your child's folder.  Please complete this together, or as a family, and send it back by the dates listed.  Any time that you can work on rhyming with your child, will help them master the skill.  This is as skill that is tested in the 3rd quarter.  

There will be some information about Dr. Seuss week coming home in your child's folder.  There are a lot of fun dress up dates, as well as special activities going on that week.  Be sure to take a look so that your child can participate in the fun!  Next week Mr. Joe and Mr. Miller will each take a turn reading a Dr. Seuss book to each class!  We also have many fun activities planned!

Our March FBI permission slip will be coming home Monday and Tuesday.  In order to reserve the pool and have the appropriate amount of lifeguards, we need a head count two weeks before the actual date.  If your family would like to attend, be sure to return the permission slip with the correct number of swimmers.  Please remember to count your child, yourself, and younger siblings, and/or any other family members that will be coming to swim.

Upcoming Events:

-Fluoride Varnishes will be Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  If you signed your child up in the fall, s/he will be receiving the varnish this week.

-Our February FBI will be this Friday, Feb. 24th, from 1:30-2:30 in the MAES cafeteria.  Be sure to arrive before 2:00 to ensure that you have enough time to complete the activities.

-February 28th - Round Table of Community Providers:  Please refer to the note that was sent home with your child.  Times are: 2:15-3:30 and 4:00-5:30.  This is also an EARLY RELEASE DAY.

-Feb. 29th and Mar. 1- March FBI permission slips due back to school

-March 8: Child Development Days from 8:00-6:30.  There will be NO PRE-K for the Tues./Thurs. class this day.

-March 16- FBI Swimming 10:30-11:30



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