Monday, April 8, 2013

Pets Week

This week in Pre-K we will be learning about pets.  We will talk about which animals make
good pets and which animals would make bad pets and why.  We will also learn how to care for pets by giving them food, water, a place to live and love.  Our letter this week is "Pp."  We will be focusing on words that start with "Pp" and will talk about how we can make the /p/ sound by making our lips pop.  Please continue to practice at home.  :)

On Wednesday and Thursday we will be going on our second field trip of the year to the Medford Veterinary Clinic.  Our class will be there from 9:45-10:15.  There, we will learn about how the vet staff takes care of our pets and other animals, as well as see the surgery room and some x-rays taken of animals when they were either hurt or pregnant.  

We will share many fun and exciting stories about our pets at home throughout the week!  


**Next week our theme will be Zoo.

**Next week is The Week of the Young Child.  We will have dress up days each day.  Please reference the flyer that was sent home earlier this month for all of the fun events offered throughout the week.  Dress up days are as follows:
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Sports Day
Wednesday - Crazy Hair Day
Thursday - Beach Day
Friday - Inside Out Day

**April's Families Being Involved event will be the Potluck Dinner and Dance on Thursday, April 18th.  This is during The Week of the Young Child.  The invite was sent home and RSVP's were due back before Easter.  If your family plans to attend, please contact me as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly. 

**Our 3rd field trip will be on Wednesday, April 24th and Thursday, April 25th.  We will be going to the Taylor County Highway Shop to see all of the different kind of transportation they use!

**In May, we will be doing a project using egg cartons.  If you have any clean cardboard egg cartons (not Styrofoam) please send them to school with your child by Thursday, May 3rd.

**May's Families Being Involved workshop is scheduled for Friday, May 17th in the afternoon.  We will be hosting a petting zoo!!  More information will come home when the date is closer.

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