Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snow and Snowmen

Happy New Year Pre-K Families,
I am very happy to be back to school and back to Wisconsin.  It was quite a shock as I was enjoying flip flop and shorts weather out in California.  On the day of the Rose Bowl I believe it was about 85 degrees!  QUITE a difference once we got into Minneapolis last night.  :-S   The children seemed ready to get back into the swing of things!  They were quite chatty and excited to share stories from their Christmas vacations!

This week we will be talking about Snow and Snowmen as well as focusing on the letter Ss.  Please remember to practice writing and identifying this letter as well as looking for Ss objects in and around your house!   We continue to work on reviewing the letters we have learned thus far, counting, patterning, and cutting skills.  I continue to work with each child individually during the days they are here to re-test Quarter 1 skills and test on Quarter 2 skills!  The end of the semester will be here before we know it!  

Next week we will focus on Arctic Animals such as polar bears and penguins!  

Have a great rest of the week,
Ms. Brittany

Here are a few pictures from my trip to the Rose Bowl!

The beginning of the game when the Badgers came onto the field.

My husband and I outside of the stadium.

Right down by the field before the game began!

1 comment:

  1. These are great pictures of you and your husband at The Rose Bowl. It appears that you had a great get-a-way. :) Thank you for sharing with us.
