Thursday, May 31, 2012

More Frog Fun

Today we were able to look more in depth into a frog's life cycle while on our field trip to The School Forest.  We were able to catch a few tadpoles and frogs today!  When we took a closer look, we realized that we had found some tadpoles before they had front legs, some with front and back legs and then full grown frogs.  It was so neat to see them in all different stages!!  While walking we saw mushrooms, beautiful flowers and tree roots of a fallen tree, to name just a few.  We looked really hard for deer tracks but couldn't find any.  The kids really enjoyed this trip.  It is so nice to get them out for some fresh air and thankfully the weather was cooperative!

Owen, Bryce, Ian, Mason, Paxton and Gabriel taking a break after our big walk to the pond!
Lily, Sydney, Alexandra and Emily listening to the rules!
This bug was caught in the spider web.  After I took the picture, we looked again and it had gotten out!  Lucky bug!
Owen, Sadie and Kyrissa laying on their tummies to check out the water.
Angie and Hannah on the dock..
Some of our friends were waving at their reflections in the water.
Ms. Teresa was a frog catching machine.  The children were so interested!
We put them in a bucket to take a closer look.  Once everyone looked, we placed them back into the pond.
We talked about how the color of the frog helps it to blend in with its surroundings.
Here is a tadpole with front legs.
Here is one without.
Here are all of our friends taking a hike around the pond.
Bryce said it best, "Look at those beautiful buttercups!"
Owen and Hannah enjoying their snack!
Jeweliana saying, "CHEESE!"
Once snack was finished we decided to play Simon Says!
Good bye Froggy!  Thanks for letting us pester you for the day!
Before our walk back, we had one last game...Red Light, Green Light.

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